It’s been awhile since I’ve last posted, but I wanted to share a quick update that some may have already spotted. I’ve been in the process of updating more of the old artwork on this website from many years ago. Naturally, art evolution is inevitable when you continue to strive and improve your skills.
The entire character section has been updated as well as the homepage. I’ve been considering to update a few of the location pieces as many are also extremely old and not reflective on my current abilities and vision (I believe some are 5 years old now). Obviously, I don’t want to be all style and no substance either. I’ve been hard at work on the Volume 2 script with Act 1 being nearly completed… which equates to at least a year of drawing material.
In the midst of all this, I’ve been gearing up and preparing for Anthrocon 2020, as I was accepted! However, at the time of writing this, the country is entering the first vicious wave of a global pandemic with COVID-19. There is uncertainty of whether the con will be cancelled in July or not. I’ll keep everyone posted as I learn more in the future.
Anyway, we’re getting into the final weeks of Volume 1’s release online! It’s going to be rough, but I hope that it’s also exciting! I plan to have a video soon with more to show and talk about. Stay tuned! Thanks for all your support!